Navigating Life’s Runway: Lessons from a Serial Job Traveler

Read time: 3mins

Hey there, internet people! I skipped last week blog due to my increased workload the last 2 weeks. Today, I want to share some insights from what I learned as a frequent traveler for my new job. ✈️ Ever feel like your second home is a hotel room? Well, join the club. As a wanderer by profession, I think I deserve to have a room in the airport with my name on it. But hey, in the midst of airport shenanigans and hotel pillow negotiations, I’ve picked up some invaluable lessons. Here’s the lowdown on what I’ve learned while jet-setting for the job.

1. The Art of Hyper-Productivity in Transit 🚀

When your office is the world, mastering productivity on the go is a game-changer. I’ve learned to turn airport layovers into power-nap havens and in-flight time into impromptu brainstorming sessions. My not-so-secret weapon? Noise-canceling headphones and a stellar playlist.

Pro tip: A well-timed power nap can rival any productivity hack. Seriously, you don’t have to work while in-flight. Take a nap and minimize your work to smaller things such as checking emails and brainstorming. Believe me, doing less can be more, plus, you need to let yourself rest!

My “Office” Nowadays

2. The Zen of Planning (and Replanning) 🗺️

Planning becomes a thrilling adventure when your schedule is as unpredictable as a cat on a skateboard. Embrace spontaneity, but also cultivate a love affair with your calendar app. I’ve learned that flexibility is not just a virtue; it’s a superpower. There’s beauty in having a plan and being ready to throw it out the window.

Pro tip: only put down things that are important in your calendar. Avoid putting every single thing in there. A less-cluttered calendar is a more productive you. Remember 80/20 rules? It’s gonna keep coming back my friend.

3. Travel Hacks to Make James Bond Jealous 🕶️

Forget secret agents; the real espionage happens when you master travel hacks. From packing cubes that defy the laws of spatial dimensions to decoding the mystery of hotel room light switches, I’ve become a travel ninja. 

Pro tip: Roll, don’t fold, and always carry a portable charger because power outlets play hide and seek. One more thing: prepare an emergency pouch or kit to have in your backpack. This emergency kit can have a spare, ahem, undergarment, tooth brush, etc. You never know if your flight got canceled and you already checked in your bag.

4. Networking Across the Globe ☕

Breakfast meetings take on a new meaning when your table overlooks different skylines every week. I’ve learned that sharing a meal transcends borders and time zones. So, next time you sip coffee in Paris, imagine you’re discussing world affairs with your croissant. Networking knows no boundaries. Don’t limit yourself to just breakfast, but if you have time to get out and explore the city, talk to the local. You never know who you can meet and what you can learn. To me, this is one of the most precious things about traveling.

So, fellow road warriors, embrace the turbulence, savor the in-flight peanuts, and know that every delayed flight is a chance for an unexpected adventure. Don’t close the window, look out into the sky and appreciate nature’s beauty, whether you’re in the clouds or amidst a starry night. And with that, cheers to navigating life’s runway with flair and a well-packed carry-on! 🌍✨

Isn’t it beautiful?

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