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Navigating 2024: A Year of Personal Growth and Professional Scaling

Read time: 3 mins

Hello, wonderful readers!

As we sail into the promising waters of 2024, I wanted to share the exciting roadmap I’ve charted for the year ahead. Buckle up; it’s going to be a thrilling journey of personal development, health transformations, financial milestones, and the expansion of our Notion community.

1. Personal Goal: Dive Back into Books! 📚

Ah, the joys of getting lost in the pages of a good book! This year, I’ve set a personal goal to revive my reading habits. The aim? Two books per month. From gripping novels to insightful non-fiction, I’m ready to let the pages turn and my imagination soar. Feel free to drop your book recommendations; let’s make this a literary adventure together! Currently, I am reading “The Laws of Human Nature” by Robert Greene. Very great insights about, well, human nature. Highly recommend!

My to-read so far this year

2. Health Odyssey: Conquering Wellness on the Move 🏋️‍♂️

Being constantly on the move for work won’t be an excuse to compromise on health. I’m diving into routines of exercise and healthy eating, even in the midst of frequent travels. Expect tales of gym sessions in hotel rooms and the quest for the healthiest local eats. Currently, I’m trying wall pilates where I don’t have to get a lot equipments and I can do the exercises pretty much everywhere. Judging by how sore I am right now, it might actually work! Join me in proving that wellness isn’t a destination; it’s a journey, no matter where life takes you.

3. Financial Expedition: Saving $13,000 and Beyond 💰

Finances, the backbone of stability! My financial goal for 2024 is to tuck away a solid $13,000 in the savings account. This financial fortress will serve as a safety net and a launchpad for future ventures. The goal is to get enough in my saving for a house down payment in the near future. I’ll be sharing tips, challenges, and maybe a few financial hacks along the way. Let’s grow and glow together, financially!

4. Career Adventure: Scaling the Notion Business to New Heights 🚀

Our beloved Notion community is in for a treat! I’ve set a goal to scale our Notion business, aiming for a whopping 200 sales a month. Expect more game-changing templates, insightful blog posts, and perhaps a few surprises along the way. There is one template almost complete to track expenses and gain insights with the help of Notion AI. Stay tuned! Your support has been the wind beneath my wings, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us!

As we embark on these exciting ventures, I invite you to share your own goals and experiences. Let’s make 2024 a year of growth, connection, and shared achievements. Buckle up, my friends; this is going to be an extraordinary ride! 

Here’s to a fantastic 2024 filled with accomplishments and joy!

P/s: Wonder how I keep track of my goals? I’m using M-Map where Notion AI can also help me plan for the future! Check out my templates here: https://mchau4108.gumroad.com/

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