Mastering the Art of Routine: A Traveler’s Guide

Mastering the Art of Routine: A Traveler’s Guide

Hello, fellow wanderers! Life on the road can be exhilarating, but let’s face it — it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Whether you’re jet-setting for business or pleasure, maintaining routines can feel like an impossible feat. And today, I would like to share some of my perspective to this challenge of keeping routines when you hop from place to place.

Acknowledging the Challenges: 

First things first, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room — traveling frequently can throw a wrench into even the most well-established routines. From fluctuating time zones to unpredictable schedules, it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly playing catch-up. I had a hard time trying to get my routines down. Something as simple as take a walk or exercising can become a difficult task. Why? Because I hop from one city to another. There are differences in time zones plus the mind set of you get off work and you really don’t want to do anything. But now, I get better at planning and I would like to share what I found effective for the last 2 months.

Hacking Time Zones: 

I travel within the US alone and yet because of the frequency of how much I travel, I forget what time zone I’m in sometimes. Imagine if I have to travel internationally (I won’t say no to that). But, what if I told you that you could use time zones to your advantage? That’s right, by strategically syncing my routines with the local time, I can minimize the effects and seamlessly transition into your new surroundings. 

Start by adjusting your sleep schedule a few days before your trip to align with your destination’s time zone. Once you arrive, soak up some natural sunlight during the day to help reset your internal clock. And don’t forget to stay hydrated and avoid caffeine and alcohol, which can disrupt your sleep patterns even further.

Getting Into Routines: 

Now that we’ve tackled the time zone conundrum, it’s time to talk routines. The key here is consistency — even amidst the chaos of travel, sticking to a routine can provide a sense of stability and normalcy. Start by identifying the core elements of your daily routine — whether it’s waking up at the same time each day, squeezing in a workout, or carving out time for mindfulness. Then, do your best to stick to these rituals no matter where you are in the world. Invest in portable workout gear (I start packing resistant band and doing wall-pilates so I can exercise in the hotel room), pack healthy snacks to fuel your adventures, and create a mobile workspace to stay productive on the go.

In conclusion, mastering the art of routine as a frequent traveler is no easy feat, but with a little creativity and determination, it’s entirely possible. Embrace the challenges, hack those time zones, and commit to your routines — your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it. So, here’s to happy travels and a life well-lived, one routine at a time. Safe travels, fellow wanderers!