Embracing the Journey: From Shy Kid to Confident Trainer

Embracing the Journey: From Shy Kid to Confident Trainer

Hey there, wonderful readers!

Today, I wanted to share a little piece of my journey — one that has taken me from a shy and awkward kid to a more confident trainer. As I venture out to train others (and I will be on the road a lot), I’ve come to realize the power of sharing my story. It’s not just about me; it’s about creating a connection, inviting others into the conversation, and fostering a space where learning goes both ways.

Unveiling the Shy Kid

Back in the day, the mere thought of doing presentations would make me scoff. I was that shy and awkward kid who preferred the company of books over people. The idea of standing in front of a group and sharing my thoughts was nothing short of daunting. There were times I was shaking so much if I had to present in front of a class. And not just presentation, I hated hearing my own voice through some sort of medium ( had projects where we had to shoot videos). So, I’d never have imagined that I’d end up where I am today.

The Transformation Begins

Fast forward to the present, and I can see the progress I’ve made, one step at a time. It’s a journey of self-discovery and pushing past comfort zones. I gained more confidence in high school, through my history class to be exact. The feeling then was me telling stories in form of historical evens (I remember exactly the topic: The United States in the 1950s), so I did not feel like I was doing formal presentation. Eventually, instead of shying away from the idea of presenting, I embraced it. I started telling my story, sharing the challenges I faced as a shy kid, and how I navigated my way to confidence.

The Power of Relatability

As I step into the training arena, I’ve found that making myself relatable has incredible power. It’s not about being a flawless expert; it’s about being human, sharing struggles, and connecting on a personal level. I share stories on how I’m always paranoid about forgetting to book hotel for a trip, or that I forgot my work laptop in the hotel room so I always do laps around the room. Small daily life anecdotes to get the conversation started. This approach has brought about some amazing outcomes:

  • Engaged Audience: People I train are more engaged. They connect with the realness of the journey, and it sparks a sense of shared experience.

  • Inviting Conversations: Telling my story invites others to share theirs. It opens up a two-way street of communication where everyone has something valuable to contribute.

  • Mutual Learning: It’s not just me imparting knowledge; it’s a collective learning experience. I get to learn from those I train, creating a dynamic exchange of insights.

Starting Somewhere

Reflecting on this journey, I’m reminded that we all have to start somewhere. Even the most confident speakers or skilled trainers had their beginnings. It’s okay to be a work in progress, to embrace vulnerability, and to take those initial steps toward growth.

So, here’s to embracing our stories, sharing them with the world, and realizing that our journey is as valuable as the destination. I know fore sure that as I go through training, I will always keep on taking notes on things I could do better. But it’s really what things are about: improving skills and process. We’re all in this together, learning, growing, and evolving — connecting with one story at a time.

Until next time, lovely readers! 🌟