Develop your two secret weapons

How an Open Mind and Flexibility Became My Secret Weapon

Read time: 4 mins

Hello, my lovely readers!

Today, I want to share a little story with you, one that's very close to my heart. While I wear the hat of a Notion creator, my daily life has another adventure in store for me. I've recently joined a logistics company, and it's been a 3-full-weeks of learning and adapting.

You might be wondering, "What's with the sudden job change?" Well, just like in the ever-evolving landscape of science, logistics is all about staying ahead of the curve and embracing change. That's what I'd like to talk to you about today - the art of picking up new material and why staying flexible is my secret weapon.

The (New) Kid in Logistics Town

3 weeks ago, I took the plunge into the world of logistics. It was a big change, and to be honest, I was very anxious about it. I mean, my life mainly revolved around biology for 3 years, and suddenly I found myself surrounded by trucks, warehouses, and forklifts. Granted, I have worked in supply chains before but my company is on a very large scale where we cater to most of the clients from fashions to hardwares, whereas my previous experience with supply chain was focused solely on pharmaceuticals and medical devices. So, I jumped from the microscopic world of bacteria to the enormous world of logistics.

The Power of Open-mindedness

The first thing I realized is that open-mindedness is key when you're diving into something new. Instead of resisting the changes and longing for the familiar world of routines in the lab, I chose to embrace logistics once again with an open heart.

I started attending training sessions, devouring company articles, and even shadowing experienced colleagues. I asked questions, many of them, to ensure I understood the intricacies of logistics and specifically, my new positions. And guess what? It worked like a charm. Being open-minded allowed me to absorb new material like a sponge. Plus, I actually have homework to practice on. And you know what they said: Practice makes perfect.

The Dance of Adaptability

With logistics, as with working in the lab, being flexible is crucial. I need to remind myself once again that logistics is not just about trucks and warehouses; it's about solving puzzles in real-time. Every day presents new challenges, and adaptability is the name of the game.

When a shipment goes awry, or when you face an unexpected snag in your supply chain, flexibility enables you to pivot, find alternative solutions, and keep things moving. Just like in my creating Notion templates, where flexibility is vital in adapting to different templates, contents and purposes, logistics requires the ability to switch gears when necessary.

The Unseen Link Between Everything

You might wonder, what's the connection between creating Notion template, lab work and logistics? Well, let me tell you, they share a bond. Creating Notion templates has taught me the value of continuous learning and staying flexible in a rapidly changing digital landscape. I’ve worked with Notion for a while now, but there are much to learn such as the use of powerful formulas and AI to make the template even more efficient. The field of science in general and biology in particular is ever evolving. One way or another, I needed to be prepared to catch up with all the innovative tools out there. For example, the lab was implementing automation to make the work more efficient and we lab technicians needed to learn how to operate and troubleshoot. Again, being open-mind. This mindset, in turn, has become my superpower in the logistics world.

The ability to quickly pick up new material and adapt to unforeseen situations is invaluable in both of my worlds. In creating Notion templates, it's about keeping up with SEO trends and evolving customer preferences. In logistics, it's about ensuring smooth operations and efficient supply chains. Imagine Amazon messed up your order, you’re not gonna be happy and even more so if you are a Prime member.

The Takeaway: Open-mindedness and Flexibility

With everything being said, I've come to realize the importance of being open-minded and flexible. These qualities are not just tools for survival; they're the stepping stones to success.

So, dear readers, I encourage you to approach new challenges with an open mind and the willingness to be flexible. These qualities are the keys to unlocking the doors of opportunity and growth in any field.

As I continue to explore the world of logistics while juggling my passion for Notion, I carry with me the lessons learned in both worlds. If you're embarking on a new journey or looking to conquer a new domain, remember, an open mind and a flexible attitude can make all the difference. They will also give you the courage to take on challenges ahead.

Thank you for being part of my journey, and here's to embracing the adventures of life, whether it's in writing or logistics. Stay open, stay flexible, and stay amazing!

Until next time!