From Cells to Corporations: The Science Behind Business Success

From Cells to Corporations: The Science Behind Business Success

Read time: 4mins

As stated before, I was a biology student and used to work for a biotech company. You probably wonder why the heck I talk about productivity, personal finances, and business in general. Well, these seemingly different worlds are more interconnected than you might imagine. It’s like discovering that your favorite childhood toys were secretly best buddies all along. In this blog post, let’s embark on a fascinating journey to unveil the unexpected commonalities between biology and business. Buckle up; it’s going to be an enlightening ride.

Source: SciTechDaily

Shared Goals

Imagine a cell as a tiny startup, and the nucleus as its CEO. Just like any business, the cell has specific goals: survival, growth, and reproduction. Similarly, businesses set goals to thrive and expand. Survival means staying afloat in a competitive market, growth equates to increasing revenue, and reproduction is akin to expanding into new markets or launching new products.

In my case of selling Notion templates, I need to create a template first and even building up a template is like how an entity comes into being. With living organisms, we start with cells and going upward. Notion templates are built by block upon block into a fully functional template. Then we move into a territory of making a business out of it as explained above about survival, growth and reproduction. I’m proud to announced I surpassed 350 sales for my Notion templates. If you want, you can check them out here.

The takeaway here is that both biology and business are goal-driven. They thrive on objectives, whether it’s a cell’s mission to replicate DNA or a company’s aim to boost quarterly sales. Setting clear, achievable goals is the roadmap to success, whether you’re a cell or a startup. Also, here’s the reminder: as with each DNA is unique from person to person, your goals should be unique and meaningful to you.

Habits: The Key to Survival

In the biological world, habits are encoded in DNA. Cells follow a set of specific instructions encoded in their genetic material. In the business realm, habits are reflected in routines and strategies. Successful companies establish habits that align with their goals. For instance, customer-centric habits can include regular feedback surveys, personalized marketing, and top-notch customer service.

In both contexts, habits are about survival. Biological habits help organisms adapt to their environment and thrive, while business habits allow companies to navigate market changes, serve customers effectively, and achieve long-term success. Developing good habits can be a game-changer in both biology and business.

I am currently revamping my Habit Tracker Notion Template. The old one works well, but this newly revamped will give you more sense of automation, accountability and control over your habits. Plus, I think it’s fun and helpful to have visualization of your progress for a habit. So are you gonna use it into building your DNA of self-growth?

A glance at my template

Adaptation: Thriving in a Changing Environment

Biological evolution hinges on adaptation. Organisms that can adapt to shifting environmental conditions survive and pass on their genes. In the business world, companies that adapt to changing markets, consumer trends, and technologies flourish. Think of Blockbuster’s failure to adapt to the digital age compared to Netflix, which mastered the art of adaptation.

In my case, even though I come from a biotech background, but I also dip my feet in logistics and supply chain. Now, I’m embarking on a journey of becoming a solopreneur. All thanks to one thing: my ability to adapt.

The message is clear: adaptability is the secret sauce for survival, whether you’re a species evolving over millennia or a business evolving over quarters. The ability to pivot, innovate, and embrace change ensures not just survival but success. In short: Become more open-mind and embrace a life-long learning journey.

Competition and Ecosystems

In biology, organisms compete for resources in ecosystems. Similarly, businesses compete for market share and consumer attention in their industry’s ecosystem. Just as species diversify in ecosystems, companies offer a variety of products or services to meet diverse consumer needs.

Understanding competition and the dynamics of ecosystems is critical for both biology and business. In biology, it’s a matter of life and death; in business, it’s about market share and profitability. Recognizing your competitors, identifying your niche, and evolving to thrive are universal strategies. With the market however, there are many giants but if you nail down your niche, nothing is as oversaturated as people will make it out for you to think.

Bridging the Gap

Biology and business may seem like unlikely companions, but they share common goals, habits, adaptability, and competition. By exploring these parallels, we gain valuable insights into both worlds. The next time you ponder your business strategy or marvel at the wonders of biology, remember this unlikely connection. It’s a reminder that the threads of commonality run through even the most diverse domains of life. So, whether you’re striving for cellular survival or business success, embrace the wisdom that transcends these seemingly different worlds. After all, the language of goals, habits, and adaptation is universal, whether you’re a single cell or a global corporation. 🌱💼